Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Episode2...

Hi, everybody!! How was your weekend?
This semester almost done.
Enjoy your last week!!
This is my second episode. Did you read my first story?
Were you interested in my story? ha ha~!!!!
When I was high school student, I met a girl on the internet.
At that time, kind of this situation was the fashion of the day.
However, I couldn't see her. She voice is very beautiful for me.
I thought that evidently she was very beautiful.
And then, we promised to meet. I was waiting for that time.
Finally, we met, but I was disappointed of her.
She was older than me and she was super ugly.
That time was hell for me.
After that, I decided to meet girl on the internet anymore.
I don't believe their voices and sometimes their pictures.
Have you ever met kind of this men or women??
If you want to meet your ideal type, you just try and try~!!!!
O.K however, Have a nice day~!!!
Thanks. -SON-

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

How to make the hot sliced rice cake(Dukbokki)~!!!!

Hi. everybody~!!!How's it goin'???
Do you want to eat Korean food?
It 's kind of a Korean food.
This is Recipe.

1. Boil anchovy sauce.

2. Add hot pepper sauce and suga.

3. Add slice fish paste.

4. Add rice cake.

5. Chop green onions.

6. Add boiled egg.

7. Add boiled noodles.

It's very easy to make. If you want to eat spicy food, you will make.
Have a nice week. Take care~!!^^

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Episode1...

Wow!! Nice~Nice~GoGoGoGo~!!!!!
Hello, everybody! How was your weekend?
We remain just for four weeks from now, so we have to
enjoy until finish school.
Are you agree? Maybe, you say yes. Good!Good!
This is my third story. I was born in Keung-ju in Korea.
I lived in there with my parents and grandparents.
I don't forget an episode.
When I was 5years old, I played with a lighter(Zippo) in my room.
At that time, I thought it didn't work anymore, but suddenly it worked.
I was very suprised and threw it, bye the way, it burned with my bed.
Fortunately, my mother saw that situation, we could put out a fire.
I wanted to go out anywhere because I knew that
my mother never allow to me. If she hit me, maybe I could die.
HaHa!! Just kidding.
Anyway, you must not play with any lighter or something like that.
You don't make big problems.
Thank you for reading my first episode.
Have a nice day!!!!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

My dog "Lulu"

Hi, guys!! What's up??

This is my second story, but I introduce my pet.

I have a dog in Korea. She is Lulu. I've met her since when I worked parking place.
When I was working there, I found a small dog.

At that time, she was very dirty, she looks very poor. Probably,

she was abandoned by someone becaues she didn't leave to me.

After I finished my work, I brought her at home.

When I arrived my home, she looked like very comfortable.

I thought that it was a good choice, so I was happy. And then,

my mother gave some food, also my mother washed her body.

Then, she was so cute. We've lived together for 2 years.

She was getting fat, so nowdays, she looks a pig. I worry about

her health until now. Anyhow, she is my family and we are

so happy because of her. I've never seen cute dog like Lulu.

I don't have sister, but Lulu is my sister.

I love her. I miss her.


Sunday, November 4, 2007

My story in Calgary

Hi, everyone!!
The weather is getting cold in Calgary. How about your school?
This is my story in Calgary so far. I've been here for seven months. When I came to Canada, I was very interested. My first school was the Ommnicom.I met many friends there, but most friends have gone to their countries since then. After that, I was studying in G.C.C about three months. When I was Ommnicom and G.C.C student, I used to go drinking at the bar,
club and anywhere. At that time, I met Canadian friends because of my friend. Everything is my good experience, but I repented to study lazier than before. Finally, I went to the Vancouver, Victoria, Banff, Jasper, Edmonton, Waterton and etc.I think that Canada has many beautiful places. If you have never been there, you should go to trip while you stay in Calgary.
I recommend to you.
Thank you for read my story.Enjoy your life!!!
Do expect my next story....coming soon....