Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Episode1...

Wow!! Nice~Nice~GoGoGoGo~!!!!!
Hello, everybody! How was your weekend?
We remain just for four weeks from now, so we have to
enjoy until finish school.
Are you agree? Maybe, you say yes. Good!Good!
This is my third story. I was born in Keung-ju in Korea.
I lived in there with my parents and grandparents.
I don't forget an episode.
When I was 5years old, I played with a lighter(Zippo) in my room.
At that time, I thought it didn't work anymore, but suddenly it worked.
I was very suprised and threw it, bye the way, it burned with my bed.
Fortunately, my mother saw that situation, we could put out a fire.
I wanted to go out anywhere because I knew that
my mother never allow to me. If she hit me, maybe I could die.
HaHa!! Just kidding.
Anyway, you must not play with any lighter or something like that.
You don't make big problems.
Thank you for reading my first episode.
Have a nice day!!!!

1 comment:

Jeff L. said...

That must have been a scary experience for you!