Thursday, November 8, 2007

My dog "Lulu"

Hi, guys!! What's up??

This is my second story, but I introduce my pet.

I have a dog in Korea. She is Lulu. I've met her since when I worked parking place.
When I was working there, I found a small dog.

At that time, she was very dirty, she looks very poor. Probably,

she was abandoned by someone becaues she didn't leave to me.

After I finished my work, I brought her at home.

When I arrived my home, she looked like very comfortable.

I thought that it was a good choice, so I was happy. And then,

my mother gave some food, also my mother washed her body.

Then, she was so cute. We've lived together for 2 years.

She was getting fat, so nowdays, she looks a pig. I worry about

her health until now. Anyhow, she is my family and we are

so happy because of her. I've never seen cute dog like Lulu.

I don't have sister, but Lulu is my sister.

I love her. I miss her.


1 comment:

Jeff L. said...

Awww, she's cute. Maybe she needs to go on a diet though!